Section A - Personal Details
Section B
i Signed up for the MadibazNews Programme because I:
Section C - Lessons
Please share your reflections on your lessons, using the scale 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree.
I achieved the goal set out as:
I achieved the goals set out by the administrator:
I achieved the goal of writing news diaries (journalists):
I achieved the goals of an editor:
I achieved the goals of giving feedback to my team / editor:
Section D - Coach and Environments
The Administrator demonstrated a friendly and professional manner:
The Editor in chief established and maintained a positive rapport with students:
The Editor in chief provided effective and constructive feedback:
The Editor in chief encouraged the student participation and learning:
Have you received feedback on work done, if so rate your experience:
Section E - Your Learning
Take time to reflect on your learning during the programme.
Section F - Moving Forward
As we would like to grow the programme, please share your experience/opinions with us.
Answer Yes, No, Don’t know
Would you recommend your friends to join the programme: