The MadibazNews Student Newspaper volunteers with English reading at the John Masiza Primary School.
Reading takes place every Thursday from 12:30-13:30 at the School.
A total of 4 volunteers and 1 teacher assists in each of the 5 class’s, to help and encourage the children who are struggling and affirm those who are managing well. The idea is to speak as much English and assist with sentence construction. We enjoy reading simple English stories and hope to teach a few English Rhymes. Each week there are themes set for class activities.
Commitment is important in order for trust and a relationship to be built between our volunteers and the children / teacher.
Day: Every Thursday
Time: Leave campus at 11:45 arrive back on campus at 14h00
This programme is currently not running anymore as soon as we start up again the link will be reopened.
Teacher assisting a grade 3 learner
John Masiza Volunteer Reading to Grade 3 Learner
Volunteers at the Walmer Methodist Church
Christmas Shoebox Handover 2019
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